Football Against Racism in Europe

QPR 1st member, Tom Rizzo, is doing some research on racism in football for the QPR 1st supporters trust, of which we hope the outcome will be a compilation available for FARE’s action week next month. Below is an appeal to QPR fans from Tom.

As part of QPR 1st’s initiatives regarding Football Against Racism in Europe’s Action Week, 12-21 April 2002, we would like to solicit input from all QPR fans/QPR 1st members, who collectively have watched many matches over the years. We ask that you search your memories and, if you can think of one or a few incidents of racism at a football match, good or bad, then please relate the incident briefly in an e-mail to Any related thoughts you might have, i.e., “the worst racist incident”, a creative response to racial abuse, etc., would be of great interest. Deadline for e-mails for this project is 20 March 2002. Many thanks.

Tom Rizzo.